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Whistleblowing Target

* Required fields
  • Target Company for Whistleblowingrequired
    Please select a Target Company for Whistleblowing.
    Type of Whistleblowing Targetrequired
    Whistleblowing Targetrequired

2. Whistleblower Information

If you do not fill in the name, contact number, and email, the whistleblowing will be anonymous and it will not be possible to reply to the results of the investigation.
  • Name
    Reply Method

Report details

* Required fields
  • Titlerequired
    Attached File

Consent to Collection and Use of Personal Information

  • Scope and Methods of Collecting Personal Information

    Lahan Hotel’s general inquiries (proposals/reservations/services/compliments, etc.) capture personal information within the essential minimum scope for the thorough management of proposal content. We collect ‘name, email address, and phone (mobile phone) number’. Should you prefer not to provide personal information, you have the option to submit proposals ‘anonymously’.

    Purpose for Collecting and Using Personal Information

    The purpose of gathering and utilizing personal information is for necessary business processes, such as validating the content of a proposal when required.

    Processing and Retention Period of Personal Information

    In principle, personal information obtained via the proposal system is retained for one year following the resolution of the proposal. However, exceptions are made in instances where separate retention is needed, such as for a proposal reward.

Consent for Third-party Provision of Personal Information

  • Scope and Methods of Collecting Personal Information

    Scope and Methods of Collecting Personal InformationFor whistleblowing processing, personal information may be provided to related companies, and anonymous whistleblowing is only possible if you do not want this.

    Recipient: Hahn & Co. CSG (Audit Office)
    Provided Personal Information: Name, E-mail address, Phone (mobile phone) number
    Purpose of Providing: Review of proposal content
    Retention and Use Period: Same as the processing and retention period of personal information